Over 80 delegates attend FNHC’s Annual Conference

By Family Nursing & Home Care
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Over 80 people from a variety of professional backgrounds came together at last week’s FNHC Annual Conference. The theme for this year’s half day event was People Centred Leadership and our Education & Development team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to its success:
Dr Karen Kyd – our Patron
Rosemarie Finley – our CEO
Jon Wilks – CEO Institute for Health and Social Care Management
Dr Julie Luscombe – People Like Me Coaching
Paul Murphy – CEO Jersey Business
Nigel Risner – Author and Professional Speaker
Thanks also to the events team at the Pomme d’Or Hotel and to BBC Jersey for featuring radio interviews with Julie and Nigel.
Finally thanks to everyone who attended and provided some fantastic feedback, including:
“Probably one of the more relevant and useful conferences I have attended in a while whereby speakers kept things simple and offered good practical advice. Thank you.”
“A great conference! Straight to the point with insightful and valuable information shared from speakers with different backgrounds”

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