
Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) is a Jersey Charity. We raise money through donations, fundraising activities and legacies and we are contracted by the Government of Jersey for the provision of services. Our ethos is to help islanders start well, live well and age well.

FNHC works with a variety of partners such as healthcare services, safeguarding organisations, commissions and charities in Jersey to ensure that Islanders receive high quality coordinated care and the support they need. Kindness is a priority: to our patients, clients, partners and each other. One of FNHC’s priorities is to be the partner of choice. 

We have earned the trust of our partners and with over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey, we know what we’re talking about.


FNHC partners include:

All GPs and the Out of Hours GP:

Contact: (01534) 442000 (for the Out of Hours GP via the main Hospital switchboard)

The General Hospital, and Health and Community Services:

Contact: (01534) 442000 (main Hospital switchboard and all HCS departments)

Community Services (social workers)

Contact: (01534) 442000 (main Hospital switchboard and all HCS departments)

Children and Families Hub:

(01534) 519000

Children and Families Hub (

Jersey Hospice:

(01534) 876555

Jersey Cheshire Home:

1534 285858

States of Jersey Police:

(01534) 612612

The Safeguarding Partnership Board:

(01534) 442752

Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board

The Jersey Care Commission:

(01534) 445801

Contact us | Jersey Care Commission

The Jersey Gambling Commission:

(01534) 828540

The Jersey Gambling Commission (

The Jersey Charity Commission:

01534 760811