RGN, RSCN, BA (Hons) Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting)
Tia was born in Jersey and trained as a Registered Nurse at Whittington Hospital in London, qualifying in 1995. She worked primarily in Accident and Emergency before undertaking her Registered Sick Children’s training and moving to the Royal Free Hospital to lead Paediatric Accident and Emergency Services.
Tia commenced her training to become a Health Visitor in 1999 in Bedfordshire and took on the role of a community practice mentor for Health Visitor students. Tia became a Team Leader for Health Visitors and School Nurses, eventually becoming the locality manager for 0-19 teams in Central Bedfordshire in 2007.
Tia undertook a period of secondment to the East of England SHA working with Ruth May (Chief Nursing officer for England) to lead on re-energising the Health Visitor workforce for the East of England. She also led the delivery of the Health Visitor implementation plan in Bedfordshire.
Tia returned to Jersey in January 2012 and worked as a Health Visitor for Family Nursing & Home Care for a year before taking on the role of Operational Lead, Adult Services.
Whilst much of Tia’s nursing career has been spent in the NHS, Tia has developed strong links with both national and international health and care sectors to ensure that we develop our services in Jersey informed by the best practice from across the world.
Tia is registered with the Jersey Care Commission and is now the Registered Manager responsible for Adult Services, including District Nursing, Rapid Response and Reablement, and specialist nurses.
Tia very much values and is proud to lead a regulated service as this helps us to drive up standards of care, focus on patient safety, reflect on where we need to improve and celebrate what we do really well.
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