Cycling is a great way to keep fit and healthy but it is not without risk.

Since 2014 it is Law that every child under the age of 14 years must wear a cycle helmet when cycling in Jersey.

  • The helmet must fit and be worn properly.
  • A good fit is when the helmet is just above your eyebrows and is not tilted back on your head.
  • The ear straps should not be twisted and should form a V shape under the ears, with the plastic clips positioned just under the ears too.
  • The chin straps should fit snuggly under the chin allowing you to place two fingers between the straps and the chin.

Other safety advice includes:

– Ensure children have the proper training to help them understand the road

– Ensure the bike is well maintained (brakes, chain, lights, reflectors, bell, gears)

– Ensure handlebars and saddle are set to the correct height

– Ensure high-vis or bright clothing is worn so that riders can be easily seen

There is also a legal requirement that, in order to ride a bicycle on Jersey roads, that bike must have a bell and a working set of brakes.

Follow this link for more information Cycling safely

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