How We Can Help

Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) is a Jersey Charity. We raise money through donations, fundraising activities and legacies and we are contracted by the Government of Jersey for the provision of services. Our ethos is to help islanders start well, live well and age well.


As an organisation FNHC can trace its origins to the creation of a District Nursing Association in Jersey. In the early years of the twentieth century, nursing at home was a regular feature of Jersey life. From 1899 to present day, FNHC has earned the trust of our community, providing care across Jersey.


We provide expert prenatal and parental care and we support children, young people, families and the members of our community who need healthcare or support in their homes. Our Services range from the Baby Steps programme, Community Children Nursing, School Nursing, District Nursing, Health Visiting, Home Care, Rapid Response and Reablement, Palliative Care and end of life care.


FNHC employs around 200 people in Jersey. To support the delivery of our clinical services, FNHC has a dedicated administration hub, a governance team whose role is to assure the quality of our services and keep your information safe and a corporate function to cover our operations such as HR, Finance and premises.

FNHC Service Areas

Children, Young People & Families

Home Care


Education & Development


Safeguarding is an umbrella term which incorporates everything from the prevention of harm to protection from harm.  Keeping patients safe from all forms of abuse and avoidable harm is an organisational priority

Kindness is a priority: to our patients, clients, partners and each other. Our nurses and colleagues work with islanders to understand their needs, applying our expertise to deliver the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service. We have the courage to do things differently and strive to provide innovation and new levels of care to the community.


We have earned the trust of our community and with over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey, we know what we’re talking about.


When you need us, we will be there.

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