Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) provide expert prenatal and parental care. Our Baby Steps Programme supports all expectant parents in Jersey through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

We understand that becoming a parent can be both exciting and daunting. The Baby Steps Programme equips parents-to-be with a wide range of information, support and advice as they prepare for life with a new baby. Our colleagues work together with individuals to understand their needs, applying their expertise to deliver the best possible care. We cover more than the medical aspects of giving birth, we support parents to be in their journey towards becoming a family.

Kindness is our priority. The Baby Steps Programme aims to prepare you to be able to enjoy becoming a parent.


What The Baby Steps Programme Provides

Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) have over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey; we know what we’re talking about. The Baby Steps groups are run by expert and specialist trained nurses, Professional Midwives and Health Visitors and are supported by specially trained Baby Steps facilitators.

The FNHC Baby Steps Programme is run as a series of nine group sessions. These sessions enable you to meet other parents-to-be who will be at a similar stage of pregnancy.

The groups start between the 26th and 30th week of your pregnancy.  The Baby Steps Programme involves six meetings before your baby is born, followed by three sessions after the birth of your baby. The Baby Steps sessions focus on: 

  • How babies develop
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Becoming a parent
  • Giving birth
  • Caring for babies
  • Your family’s future

The Baby Steps Programme will support you up until the point where you are ready to give birth. After that, the Midwifery and Health Visiting services will support you.

Where To Attend Baby Steps (Appointment Only)

Communicare, St Brelade

Antenatal sessions: Mondays 6pm - 8pm

Pips Place, Union Street, St Helier

Antenatal sessions: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm - 8pm

The Bridge Family Centre, Le Geyt Road, St Saviour

Antenatal sessions: Wednesdays 6pm - 8pm Postnatal sessions: Mondays & Fridays 09.30 - 11.30am

Get In Touch

Contact us

The Baby Steps programme is by appointment only. You can contact the Baby Steps team on: (01534) 497662 or complete our simple form and we will get back to you.

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