Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) provides a specialist Children’s Community Nursing  Team (CCNT) to all children and families in Jersey from birth to the age of 18. After the age of 18, children will be transferred to adult services in a timely and planned measure to ensure children receive continuity of care.

The team comprises Paediatric Nurses and Care Workers who support children who are acutely unwell, children with complex, long term needs who require nursing care in the community.  We also have two nurses based at Mont a L’abbe School who deliver care to children whilst they access education.  We also have health care assistants. The nurses that work in the CCNT are qualified in paediatric care. Equally, FNHC’s Paediatric support workers and Health Care assistants are trained to a high level of competency.

FNHC’s CCNT provides care to the child and their family within the child’s home and other community settings, such as a nursery or school. The team look after children who are acutely unwell, children with complex, long term needs who require nursing care in the community, children who have recently been discharged from hospital in order to keep them out of hospital and we also facilitate their access to education and school.


CCNT deliver education and training and provide advice to parents and other practitioners, working in partnership to develop care plans and deliver care to children.


In order that children with complex needs can remain within their homes, the CCNT are able to provide overnight care as part of individual care packages.


FNHC’s CCNT also provides palliative care and support to children with life limiting or life threatening conditions. This support is also offered to the child’s extended family and support system.


We have an integrated Children’s Palliative Care Pathway where the Palliative Specialist Nurse takes the lead and works in partnership with Paediatricians and the Child Development Therapy Centre and the Social Work team to deliver the best outcomes for the child.


Our team has earned the trust of our community and with over 100 years of experience in providing care across Jersey, we know what we’re talking about.


Kindness is a priority. Our nurses and colleagues will apply our expertise to work in partnership to deliver the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service. We have the courage to do things differently and strive to provide innovation and new levels of care. All children are treated as individuals, respecting their needs, cultural and religious beliefs.


How to get referred?

A referral from a Health Care professional is required for a child to access the CCNT.


Important Information

If your child is unwell, you must call your GP for advice, or dial 999 in an emergency or go to the Emergency Department at the Hospital with your child.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

The Children’s Community Nursing team is available from 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday. Call (01534) 497623 or complete the form and we will get back to you!

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