
Safeguarding is an umbrella term which incorporates everything from the prevention of harm to protection from harm.  Keeping patients safe from all forms of abuse and avoidable harm is an organisational priority

Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) regards Safeguarding as Everyone’s Business, through focusing on Safeguarding there is assurance across the charity that clients are safely cared for; staff are suitably trained, safely recruited and work from the base of a safe and responsive organisation.

If you are concerned about an adult or child at risk please contact Family Nursing & Home Care’s Safeguarding Lead via [email protected] or by calling 01534 497600

Or alternatively contact the Government of Jersey  services:

Adult Safeguarding Team: [email protected] T. 01534 444440

Children & Families Hub: [email protected] T: 01534 519000

If a child or adult is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

A copy of our Safeguarding policy can be found here