Friends of FNHC

Friends of FNHC is the best way to support our charity. Become a Friend of FNHC and choose how much you wish to donate and how often, pay online, over the phone or with a cheque.

Family Nursing & Home Care’s charity work is heavily dependent on and supported by donations from islanders and your support helps us to continue providing the best possible care with dignity at the core of our service.

Our ‘Friends of FNHC’ scheme allows islanders to choose how much they wish to donate and how often.

The scheme enables Islanders to support the charity and make donations towards our fundraising efforts. We want to continue to build a community of Friends who understand how we deliver healthcare services to our local community and who support us in the provision of these services.


How You Can Support Us

Direct Debit

If you would like to support the work FNHC does and become a ‘Friend of FNHC’ you can set up a Direct Debit by calling us on 497610, emailing [email protected] or by signing up via our form below. Please note we need a month’s notice to amend your direct debit. Should you wish to cancel your direct debit, you can do this directly with your bank or notify us.

Other regular payments

Payments can be made through the following methods:

  • Pay online using the form below. Recurring payments via the blue panel and one-off payments via the white panel.
  • Cheques and cash are accepted via post. Cheques should be made payable to Family Nursing & Homecare and post should be addressed to Le Bas Centre, St. Saviours Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4RP.
  • Telephone payments can be made using a credit or debit card. Call us on 497610.


Tax Relief

Anyone who chooses to donate £50 or more per annum is able to claim tax relief on their payment. By claiming tax relief, you enable FNHC to claim a further 25% on your donation, which further supports our fundraising efforts. Download the tax form below and provide it to us either with or after your donation to facilitate the process.

Tax Form for Charitable Donations


Make a Donation

Your donations help us continue our vital work.

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